Effective Education Strategy and management

We work with educational institutions, governments, donors, aid agencies, and other stakeholders to develop effective education implementation strategies and policies, with a particular focus on educational technologies and teacher professional development. We believe education strategy – whether at a programmatic or systematic level – should be informed by the best available evidence, and work iteratively using agile methodologies to develop effective, well-grounded strategies and management approaches.

Our iterative approach to strategy development

Wherever possible, we seek to build the capacity of local and national stakeholders to develop input into and ownership of the strategising process.

Our notable work in this area includes:

  • Activating EdTech – Working with the Jordanian Ministry of Education to develop a national EdTech strategy
  • Academic Recovery Programme – Supporting the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States in developing an academic recovery programme and multi-agency implementation strategy
  • Elsewhere in the Caribbean, we have worked with the Caribbean Development Bank to develop a Model Learning Recovery Strategy for schools in CDB Borrowing Member States