Tablets in Malawi and Ivory Coast

Reading Time: < 1 minute

This post originally appeared here on 20th October 2014 under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.

There were a couple of stories on the BBC recently, one to do with the onebillion project in Malawi (and in the UK), which also features the research by Nicola Pitchford (University of Nottingham):

The other story was about Qelasy, a tablet initiative in Ivory Coast:

Chesterton Community College Tablet Learning Scheme

Reading Time: < 1 minute

This post originally appeared here on 11th August 2014 under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.

Chesterton Community College is running an enterprising tablet learning scheme:

During the academic year 2013/14 Chesterton launched a new scheme to enable 1:1 device provision for students in Years 8 and 9. This meant that every student in those two year groups had an Apple iPad tablet device. An evaluation was planned at the end of the first year examining the impact of the scheme, providing a basis to decide in what format the scheme should continue in subsequent years.

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