Nariman Moustafa

Nariman is a Senior Analyst at Open Development and Education. She brings 10+ years of experience in the fields of international (basic and tertiary) education, social innovation, higher education teaching, as well as agile and adaptive management/leadership. Her skills include facilitation of social transformation processes, designing education programmes and learning experiences, catalyzing innovations, leading critical participatory processes & community organizing, policy analysis and research. She has worked on projects that range from consulting for governments on how to act better with limited resources to designing & facilitating experiential learning programs for world leaders around justice-based leadership approaches to creating global alliances and networks for re-imagining education. She is previously a founder and director of Mesahat: Liberating Learning Spaces (Cairo, Egypt), a network that envisions the creation of learning cities through the spread of inter-connected self-organized, social-justice based, and lifelong learning online and offline communal learning spaces using agile methods and embodied democratic practices. She currently voluntarily serves on the working groups that direct the Ecoversities Alliance, the latter comprises more than 150 higher education institutions around the globe that aim to reimagine higher education through reviving and reclaiming diverse knowledge ecologies using decolonial inquiry methods, with a focus on the global south.  Nariman completed her Master’s in Education Science from Harvard University where she also assists in teaching several courses on topics of adaptive leadership and community organizing.


Moustafa, N. (2022, April 8). Decolonising Open Educational Resources (OER): Why the focus on ‘open’ and ‘access’ is not enough for the EdTech revolution. EdTech Hub.
Moustafa, N., Elghamrawy, E., King, K., Hao, Y. (Claire), & Hao, Y. (2022). Education 2.0: A Vision for Educational Transformation in Egypt. In F. M. Reimers, U. Amaechi, A. Banerji, & M. Wang (Eds.), Education to Build Back Better: What Can We Learn from Education Reform for a Post-pandemic World (pp. 51–74). Springer International Publishing.

Full list of publications available here.



Yomna El-Serafy

Yomna is an Analyst at Open Development and Education. In 2020, she completed her MPhil in Education, Globalisation, and International Development at the University of Cambridge, where her research focused on the educational experiences of visually-impaired refugees in Lebanon. Her other research has included a review of the literature on community-based education in marginalised communities and an analysis of the beneficiaries of EdTech initiatives in Africa. Prior to joining the team, she worked on the business and curriculum development, and standards verification, of a higher-education institution for students in low- and middle-income countries.


El-Serafy, Y., Adam, T., & Haßler, B. (2022). The effectiveness of technology-supported teacher professional learning communities in emergency settings. Future-Proofing Teacher Education: Voices from South Africa and Beyond. In S. Gravett & N. Petersen (Eds.), Future-Proofing Teacher Education: Voices from South Africa and Beyond (1st ed.). Routledge.
Adam, T., El-Sefary, Y., Haßler, B., Khalayleh, A., Kremeia, A., Proctor, J., & Mtebe, J. (2021). The Use of Technology in the CPD Implementation Plan in Tanzania [Technical Guidance]. EdTech Hub.
Adam, T., El-Serafy, Y., Podea, M., & Haßler, B. (2021). The use of “building blocks” to develop digital platforms for education in sub-Saharan Africa. EdTech Hub.
El-Serafy, Y., Khalayleh, A., Carter, A., Haßler, B., Proctor, J., & Adam, T. (2021). Strategy for Tanzania — Focus Area: TCPD in primary schools. EdTech Hub.
El-Serafy, Y. (2020). A portrait of hope: Experiences of a visually-impaired refugee with education in Lebanon. University of Cambridge.
El-Sefary, Y., Adam, T., & Haßler, B. (forthcoming). The effectiveness of technology-supported teacher professional learning communities in emergency settings. Future-Proofing Teacher Education: Voices from South Africa and Beyond [open access].

Full list of publications available here.