Dr Inka Stock


Dr Inka Stock is a sociologist with many years of field experience in Colombia, Morocco, Kenya and South Sudan. Inka is an expert in mixed methods sociological research focussing on migration. Inka lives in the Republic of the Congo.


Haßler, B., Haseloff, G., Adam, T., Akoojee, S., Allier-Gagneur, Z., Ayika, S., Bahloul, K., Kigwilu, P. C., Costa, D. D., Damani, K., Gordon, R., Idris, A., Iseje, F., Jjuuko, R., Kagambèga, A., Khalayleh, A., Konayuma, G., Kunwufine, D., Langat, K., … Winkler, E. (2020). Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review of the Research Landscape (1st ed.). VET Repository, Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, Bonn, Germany. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4288831

Full list of publications available here.