DECI Content development support (OECS)


LocationOECS Member States
Start dateNovember 2022
StatusMarch 2023
Clients Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)


The OECS Commission has a mandate to work towards economic harmonisation and integration of the people of the OECS. Its function is guided by the 2010 Revised Treaty of Basseterre. Article 22.1 of the Treaty speaks to Member States’ commitment to harmonise and standardise curriculum and assessments across the level of the education sector of the region. The collaborative approach to education taken across Member States to address education issues provides opportunities for networking and sharing experiences to jointly tackle the mammoth challenges facing the sector. Consequently, the OECS Commission strategically designs and implements regional initiatives to achieve the collaboration and share tackling issues impacting the education sector. 


COVID-19 has proven to be a major disruptor for the worlds’ education systems. Even prior to the pandemic, the education system in the OECS struggled to provide an adequate level of access to relevant training programmes. A key response to the pandemic was the OECS Education Sector Response and Recovery Strategy to COVID-19. Recently, OECS Member states have focused on developing digital content. The need for large volumes of high-quality, difficult content to support learning became more apparent as many Grade K-12 teachers struggled to continue instructional activities remotely. It is also important to recognise that learning extends beyond the K-12 years. The implications of rapid technological development are that global citizens must keep upskilling and retooling to remain abreast of the changes that are affecting the workplace.  


OpenDevEd was engaged by the OECS to assess the digital content situation, identify gaps, and to make recommendations and implement capacity development measures for guiding the development of digital content for the OECS. OpenDevEd staff performed the following activities:

  • Produce an in-depth analysis of existing gaps in the availability and access to digital content;
  • Design a framework for Digital Content Development, based on the finding of the above analysis, best practices, and sustainability approaches for content development in the OECS;
  • Develop training materials and a module for implementation of the Instructional Content and Engagement (ICE) Framework; 
  • Train and mentor a cohort of educators to sustain the quality assurance component of the framework for Digital Content Development.


Coming soon to our Evidence Library

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