Kaya platform and catalogue evaluation


Start dateOctober 2023
End dateJanuary 2024
Client Save the Children UK


Save the Children’s Humanitarian Leadership Academy (HLA) works to strengthen skills and capabilities within the humanitarian sector and beyond to better prepare for and respond to crises. Technology plays a key part in this objective, helping democratise access to quality learning. Kaya is the HLA’s global learning marketplace, where courses and resources are made freely available to humanitarians and organisations across the sector. The Kaya catalogue covers over 500 courses in 12 languages, accessed by learners in 190 countries.

In line with the HLA’s Theory of Change and Strategic objectives for 2023-25, Open Development and Education (OpenDevEd) was contracted to conduct an independent evaluation of the Kaya catalogue. This review will help the HLA continue to provide accessible, quality learning content to meet the needs of humanitarians worldwide. The evaluation covers the following core areas:

  • Catalogue / course status – Observing the structure, condition, and function of courses within the catalogue and ensuring that they meet the needs of learners and of those managing the learning content
  • Accessibility – Ensuring that the catalogue and course content meet the latest Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
  • Data flow and reporting – Helping the HLA team glean more from learner data to deliver a responsive learning product and make data-informed decisions regarding the management of the Kaya platform


OpenDevEd are conducting the following activities:

  • Undertaking a comprehensive analysis of the Kaya platform, using Stufflebeam’s CIPP model to provide focused perspectives on context, inputs, processes, and product
  • Adapting collection instruments to gather data on the content’s structure, condition, and functioning
  • Collecting and analysing qualitative and quantitative data through a multi-method approach, consulting key stakeholders involved in the maintenance and upkeep of the platform, and considering the technological limitations of the Kaya platform’s underlying Totara system
  • Producing an evaluation report with a summary of analysis, complete with costed recommendations for the future development and maintenance of the Kaya platform


Publishable programme outputs will be made available in our Evidence Library.

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